My Day

How was my day? Cold. I woke up to 34 degree weather. Last week it was very warm. Beautiful weather.

But, back to my day. I had to work today, but my two favorite people were there. Wasn’t bad at all. Time actually passed by fast. I didn’t even mind having my boss stand over my shoulder today. My coworkers wanted to go out tonight, but JJ (my son) is still recovering from his bronchitis and pink eye.

After work, I went down to the church. They had a bake sale/fish fry today, and I went out to support for a little while. I ended up spending most of my time talking to my sister and her fiance. Then one of my brothers (I have four) came out, and informed us that his ex-girlfriend is engaged to his ex-best friend….yeah, same thing I said.

What is Love?

I immediately thought of “A Night At The Roxbury”, when I saw today’s topic. Well..I thought about the soundtrack…complete with headbobbing. Love to me…

Love to me is completely trusting someone. Knowing that he/she is the one for you. I’m (somewhat) of a hopeless romantic. I believe in soul mates and only getting married once. Spending the rest of your life with that special someone. Love is being there for someone…having their back, no matter what. Being there for them when they need it most.

What is love to you?

Today's Meal

I cheated today! Last night, I saw a commercial about the McRib, and I just HAD to have it! So I called up my husband, who said he didn’t want anything for dinner, and begged him to let me get one. And I did! It wasn’t that great, lol! For almost $6, I’m still hungry. So here it is…back to my “fast food ban”.

My Parents

Today is dedicated to my parents! Next Thursday will make 37 (or 38) years of marriage for them! Sorry I always lose track. My mom was 16 when she married my dad (he was 20). They have six children together.

My dad is the pastor of Holy Deliverance AHOP. He’s currently out on disability from his main job. He teaches at a local bible college. He built his own house…twice! He loves to cook, and he just built this very awesome gaming computer that would look great in my house. LOL! He always taught us to

Get what we want now, and worry about the consequences later!

Early Present Opening

So my very impatient husband wanted to open a gift. That one turned into all. We both loved all of our presents.

I got my Juicy charm bracelet, a sweater from Victoria’s Secret, and a Juicy Couture perfume/lotion/body wash set.

He got 2 Timberland sweaters, a Fossil watch, and the new Usher cologne.

He got us a vacuum cleaner and my parents got us some pots.

More presents tomorrow from my sister and my aunt. Oh and Merry Christmas!