2021 was a great f***in' year
Tuesday. 9:57 PM. I'm nursing a glass of red wine, winding down from a long ass workday and four hours of work on a school project. Listening to my In My Feelings playlist and just vibing. Being me. Not the me from a few days ago, but happy me. Reflecting on how I handled my first holiday as a single woman. Spoiler: It was a train wreck.
I spent Thanksgiving Day alone. I had invitations to go places, but I really just wanted a day to myself. Turns out, that was a terrible idea. I spent the entire day focused on my shortcomings, rather than all of the amazing shit that has happened to me this year. In turn, I found myself crying for days and refusing to get out of bed. Picking fights in hopes to make other people feel as miserable as I felt. It was wrong as hell. I've owned it and accepted that I ain't shit for acting that way.
Despite my depression, I managed to finish working on this site. I even managed to finish the last post that took me days to write. But look at me now! I made it. I cannot stress enough how I have personally benefited from therapy. This time last year... I would have been blaming everyone but myself for my actions. Anyway, that's neither here nor there.
I wanted to take a moment to reflect on all of the great things that I've experienced this year.
January - April
- I traded my old car for a 2020 Kia Optima. That's right, the first car that I purchased on my own.
- We got a puppy! Stella is a Morkie (Maltese/Yorkie Mix). I found an amazing breeder down in Mount Pleasant, SC and the process was seamless. We absolutely love her.
- We took the kids to Great Wolf Lodge in North Carolina for Spring Break.
- I bought some skates... That was a very short lived hobby.
- The divorce was finalized.
May - August
- I cut my hair again. Hair cuts for me symbolize freedom and new beginnings.
- I bought a Peloton Bike and lost some weight.
- I bought an iMac and an iPad Pro.
- I took trips to Albany, GA...twice... to see... A friend.
- I started hanging out with my friends more.
- I celebrated my 36th birthday at Folly Beach with the kids.

September - Present Day
- I joined the dating scene. It didn't work out. I'm not ready, lol.
- I upgraded to the iPhone 13 Pro Max.
- I took the kids to not one, not two, but THREE birthday parties, and we have plans for one more this year.
- I took my first solo trip to New Jersey and New York to hang out with my girl, Kay. We went to the So Shameless Podcast live show.
- I took the kids to the State Fair for the first time since 2014.
- I went to the Columbia R&B Festival and sung off-key to Bobby Brown, Brian McKnight, Debarge, Dru Hill, Keith Sweat, and Tevin Campbell.
- I received a Superior rating on my work performance review.

It's been a great year for me. It's nice to remind myself that despite the challenges and downfalls, I've had way more good days than bad ones.
Hi Tarin! I noticed you commented on my old blog(I just moved to a new one I linked for you) and I wanted to stop by and say thanks! I appreciate it and I\'m glad I maybe got you guys into thinking about camping! I\'ll be honest, its probably the only real decompressing time I get anymore, lol.
Per your post it does seem like 2021 wasn\'t too shabby of a year for you overall, at least in highlights. I can say I\'m super jelly on those vintage looking rollerskates. I can\'t rollerskate for crap but I mean they look neat. Also, I just have to say the fact you know who Tevin Campbell is makes my inner 90\'s child happy.
Hi Tarin! I noticed you commented on my old blog(I just moved to a new one I linked for you) and I wanted to stop by and say thanks! I appreciate it and I\'m glad I maybe got you guys into thinking about camping! I\'ll be honest, its probably the only real decompressing time I get anymore, lol.
Per your post it does seem like 2021 wasn\'t too shabby of a year for you overall, at least in highlights. I can say I\'m super jelly on those vintage looking rollerskates. I can\'t rollerskate for crap but I mean they look neat. Also, I just have to say the fact you know who Tevin Campbell is makes my inner 90\'s child happy.
love to see it, sis.
Xx http://theactivespirit.com/
love to see it, sis.
Xx http://theactivespirit.com/
I\'ve missed every single last one of y\'all. it\'s so good to see that you are still blogging Terin. First, I want to say that despite it all ... everything is going to be freaking amazing for you. Amazing. As noted in most recent post. Happy New Year btw. I\'m happy for your promotion. 2022 is just going to be booming for ... I just know it.
I\'ve missed every single last one of y\'all. it\'s so good to see that you are still blogging Terin. First, I want to say that despite it all ... everything is going to be freaking amazing for you. Amazing. As noted in most recent post. Happy New Year btw. I\'m happy for your promotion. 2022 is just going to be booming for ... I just know it.