
A reminder of how difficult life can be.

We're back to one vehicle and it's driving me crazy already. The man has a crazy schedule, which means my entire life is turned upside down... From waiting on him to get home in the mornings to pick us up to waiting on him to pick me up from work. That's the part that is going to get extremely frustrating. He has back to back clients, which means that I'm going to be sitting at work until at least 8:30. (I'm scheduled to get off at 5.) He says it's going to be at least a month before he can get his car fixed.

Today, I found myself upset because he was gone until almost noon. Because of the car situation, I haven't been able to go shopping or anything. I hate that I'm confined to a house, because it's hard to get around with two small children on feet.

I hate life right now. Just... Woosah...

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