Start. Stop. Continue.

The last #30Layers30Days prompt is Start. Stop. Continue.

Have your answers changed since the beginning of the challenge?

START: What do you want to start doing? What do you want more of in your life? What feelings, what activities, what energy? What baby step can you take today?

∙ I want to start living life more. I want to start accepting the fact that I need change. I want my life to be functional and real. I want to be happy. I will start by being myself.

STOP: What have you had enough of? What are you tolerating or feeding into that is not adding value to your life? What area of your life is begging for more boundaries?

∙ I want to stop putting myself down. I want to stop accepting life for what it is right now. I'm too comfortable with living my life based on other people's opinion. I need to set standards for myself, and not be bound by my fears.

CONTINUE: What habits or trends do you want to continue? What's been working for you? What can you do to ensure you keep it going?

∙ I want to continue being a good parent. I want to continue being a hard worker to help my husband provide for this family. I can keep going. I can keep having faith in God, my husband, and myself.

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  • Kay says:

    YAY Terin! Step outside of your shell and live damnit! You deserve happiness...we all do. And if there is none, then you have to work on getting yourself there. We all a work in progress! 🙂

  • Angel says:

    I agree with your post 100%! I want to start living more as well. I've actually put that into perspective. I want to be more happy. Love myself more. I'm doing all of these things.

    Having a social life again.
