Mirror Mirror

Today's #30Layers30Days prompt is Mirror Mirror.

Compliment yourself on your least favorite physical feature. Find the beauty in it and describe it.

I would like to compliment myself on my body. I don't care for my body because of the problems I have with acne and this "baby fat". I know it's not that bad; but when I look in the mirror, it's all I see.

Truth is, there's an understated beauty here. I love my eyes. I think they are the windows to my soul, and they say a lot about my true character. They are always bright and filled with joy and love. I definitely smile with my eyes.

I also love my smile. This smile has brightened many days for friends and strangers. It's what makes me approachable. I have the illusion of always being happy. ...And my teeth are pretty ((At least I get that a lot...))!

I love like my weight. I struggled with gaining weight for the majority of my life. I'm content at 130 pounds. And it's lovable weight gain, too ((At least the man loves most of it))! It's mostly in my midsection, but I have a lil' booty going on...and HIPS!! After I hit up those ab workouts ((on my terms, and my terms only)), I feel like I'll love my body even more.

What I'm realizing about these things is that they are petty. They can all be changed, but I have to be willing to put in the effort to change them.

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1 comment

  • Kay says:

    I love your smile. I think that you are very attractive, your body is to die for, and you are a great mom. Two snaps!
