This Week On Instagram (March 2-8)

I've decided to start something new ((to me, at least)) by doing a "Week In Instagram Photos" post. Starting with last week, March 2-8.
From top left to bottom right:

  • We started a No Spend challenge. That means only bills, gas, and grocery shopping ((once a week)).
  • We had tickets for the zoo, so we packed up some snacks and the camera for a day of fun. The weather was amazing.
  • We gave up eating out for lent ((Like it's not already a big NO during our No Spend challenge.))! It's a great time to start eating healthy. We both tried asparagus for the first time. Yes, we loved it!
  • I never received my decal for the Jeep, so I had to drive up to the DMV. Fancy, isn't it?
  • I just had to make my own Duck Tape Table! I want to sit at it all the time... ((Can't you tell? I'm actually blogging!))

What did you do last week? What plans do you have for the upcoming week?

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  • akaleistar says:

    Great pictures!

  • aleesa says:

    Last week I went to AC for two days. Celebrated my little cousin birthday with Chuck E Cheeses, Movies and The Circus. Pictures coming soon. This week we're going skating.

    • Terin says:

      We went to Chuck E Cheeses on Saturday for JJ's best friend's birthday party! The circus was in town but we're on this No Spend challenge so that was out. Skating sounds like fun! I haven't been since I was a kid.

  • I love looking back on my life in pictures via instagram. This is a great idea for a post. Wow, the 30 day challenge sounds tough! Good for you. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm looking forward to connecting with you and other SITS girls in our group this week.

  • Nicki Lewis says:

    Good luck with the no spend. I try to limit myself. Love the way you displayed the pics on the post. I will have to remember that in the future. Looking forward to connecting with you in our SITS girls group.

    • Terin says:

      Thank you! I used PicFrame for Mac. I read a post about PicMonkey (website) and I hear it does the same.

  • Teresa says:

    Hi Terin.This look back at your week via Instagram is awesome. Not sure that I can do your 30 day challenge though. My nest is empty and eating out is sort of a benefit now. Good luck with it though.

    btw: I really like your blog design. So light and lively.

    • Terin says:

      Thanks for the comment! I thought the challenge was going to be hard, but it's pretty fun. We stocked up on grocery in the beginning.
