Back Again (Birthday Edition)

9:45pm. I'm back once again, and hopefully I'm here to stay. I've been having a love/hate relationship with the MacBook I purchased back in 2008. From not being able to update the software, to swapping out hard drives. I finally upgraded to an iMac ((which I can proudly say that I'm using to write this post)).

January was such a busy month. Both JJ and Ivy celebrated their birthdays. JJ requested a TMNT ((Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)) cake. Specifically, he chose Donnie. I was extremely sick, but I pressed on to get a cake made. This was officially my FIRST "specialty" cake!

Two days later, we had Ivy's first birthday. I decided to do a number cake ((with cupcakes)). Everyone loved this one! I was feeling much better and it definitely showed, lol!

I wasn't sure how I would feel about having two children with their birthdays only two days apart, but now I think it's great! I don't have to worry about birthdays for a whole year! Other than that, Ivy is starting to walk. Work is work. Life is life. I'm pretty sure I'll have plenty more to write about soon.

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1 comment

  • Kay says:

    I love the cake. Happy Birthday to both the kiddos. They are growing up beautifully.
