I've Gone Responsive

TERIN.ME has gone responsive! I'm excited. It wasn't as challenging as I thought it would have been. I'm glad that my site was previously using valid CSS.

Why I Made The Switch To Responsive

I'm spending a lot more time on my portable devices. ((Mostly my Moto X.)) I can only assume that the majority of my readers spend the same, if not more amount of time on portable devices. I want my blog to be easily accessible to everyone.

Not only that, but I'm ready for a change. I love writing and I want my personal space on the web to reflect that love. So here's to 2014... A new beginning.

What Framework Did I Choose

A great framework makes life so easy. I decided to go with _s. It's a mashup of pretty much every starter theme out there, and was a great starting point for me to rewrite my base theme.

How's the responsive theme working for you? Any issues?

In Other News

I'm glad to be back on the scene. I spent my entire Sunday brainstorming on what I want TERIN.ME to become. I decided on colorful and simple. ((Because it's a great reflection of my personality!))

Tomorrow, it's back to work for me. I'm transitioning quite well to the city life. It's great being 20 minutes away ((...with traffic)) from work and only five to ten minutes away from the mall. I love not having to get gas every three days!

I'm looking forward to getting my schedule right and having time to do some exploring. I haven't taken my camera out yet, and it's long overdue.

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